Daily WordPress Website and Database Backups

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Note: This article is assuming a WordPress website, the primary platform we use for standard websites.

Backing up your website is the best insurance policy against disaster. At Perfectly Optimized we take the preservation and security of your website EXTREMELY seriously. To learn more about the monthly security updates we apply click here. By taking daily backups you can rest assured that your hard work and online presence are preserved. We hold up to 90 consecutive days of daily WordPress backups, which gives many restore points should anything unexpected happen. Much like a reserve parachute, in the perfect world, we’ll never have to use it.

The Falsehood of Infrequent Backups

Some feel backing up your website should be a function of the type of website you have. For example, let us take a basic 10-page website that only changes in small content edit maybe once a year. One could argue that it makes sense to take a backup only 1 time per year, and if anything happens we’ll revert to that old backup. After all, it has all the content, as nothing has changed.

But things have changed. The internet, PHP packages, MySQL versions, Javascript updates, hacking methods, and plugin maintenance statuses to name a few. Even though your website’s content might not have changed, like a boat on an ocean, everything around that site constantly changes.  This applies to the WordPress codebase and contributed plugins your website uses. Didn’t change any content? Doesn’t matter, your plugins still need updating.

Point is, depending, the old backup you have might not be safely deployable on your live server. This would mean extra cost in deploying it in a safe environment and then applying all the needed updates, which could lead to their own issues and troubleshooting.

Alternatives to needing to backup

If you truly have a website that will not need content updates, or when it does it will be so infrequent as not to matter, then a WordPress website may be a little too much for you at this point. What you need is called a static website. This is just raw HTML (old school style website), that given it is on a proper server, should almost be unhackable. There are plugins that WordPress uses where one can use WordPress to create the site, but then render the output as static HTML. Such a site would not need any updates to the code base. There are also solutions like Grav CMS, which produces a website structure that is harder to hack, thus needing less the idea of updates.

With us, all this is taken care of for you.

If you are not backing up or applying security updates to your site on a regular basis, you are inviting disaster. We lose sleep over two main issues when websites or email goes down for one of our clients. We insist we take daily backups of your website regardless of the content changes it has because we understand more is changing in the background that keeps that content live, fast and secure.